Reality: Commonly Misspelled

Misspelled words turned into digital art to express common misspellings. This artwork is also made to dig at the social and political issue of a "national" language.

Reality: Commonly Misspelled
Misspelled words are a daily human fumble for me. The two pieces below are purposely misspelled with a common misspelling that a majority of adults struggle with. I know because I asked around. My goal is to create a larger body of work to share, but why not start now. A few people have already approached me informing that I had made a mistake in the words spellings and how to fix them. In delight, I then got to share how a lot of english speaking adults struggle with the spelling and pronunciation of many words. Then I continued to ask, "how hard do you think it is for non English speaking individuals to learn English, when we ourselves mess up so often?"
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